Installing PowerBoard

How to install the PowerBoard (“Trucker Board”) sketch onto the Arduino power distribution board.

For details on hardware installation, see the 12V Power Distribution instructions.


The POCS repository includes a script that will perform all the necessary steps for the Power Board installation. After successfully Installing POCS you should have all the required tools. First make sure that the Arduino is connected directly to the Raspberry Pi and then issue the following commands at a terminal:

cd $HOME/pocs/resources/arduino

The above script will download all the required libraries, compile the Arduino sketch, and upload the script from the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino.

After installing Arduino, you will need to reboot the Pi. After the Pi has restarted check and make sure the Servicesare running, finish the Configuration, then start Testing!

PowerBoard Configuration

The relays are numbered 0 to 4 and given the generic names RELAY_0, RELAY_1, etc. You can assign labels to each of these relays by editing the Configuration, with the default labels matching the suggested instructions in the Power Distribution setup instructions. By default, those labels are:

As a reminder, in the current configuration the camera box power is delivered via the mount.

Last updated


2023 Project PANOPTES