Used for setting values. If successfully set, the key and value are returned.
(conda-pocs) panoptes@panoptes pocs config set mount.serial.port "/dev/ttyUSB0"
{'mount.serial.port': '/dev/ttyUSB0'}
Runs the setup wizard.
(conda-pocs) panoptes@panoptes pocs config setup
Setting up configuration for your PANOPTES unit.
This will overwrite any existing configuration. Proceed? [y/N]: y
Enter the base directory for POCS [/home/panoptes/pocs]:
Enter the user-friendly name for this unit [Generic PANOPTES Unit]: Alcyone
Enter the PANOPTES ID for this unit. If you don't have one yet just use the default. [PAN000]: PAN021
Enter the latitude for this unit, e.g. "19.5 deg" [19.54 deg]:
Enter the longitude for this unit, e.g. "-154.12 deg" [-155.58 deg]:
Enter the elevation for this unit. Use " ft" or " m" for units, e.g. "3400 m" or "12000 ft" [3400.0 m]:
Enter the timezone for this unit [Pacific/Honolulu]:
Enter the GMT offset for this unit [-600]:
Restart the config (supervisorctrl) service. Use if values in config file have changed or if getting errors with the other commands.